「品質工学」 一覧

Quality engineering(QE) 20

This is the explanation material. → QE20 p.1 Many people who are unfamiliar with quality engineering ...

Quality engineering(QE) 19

This is the explanation material. → QE19 p.1: Today's topic is "What is orthogonal?" p.2: We can cal ...


品質工学を用いたシャボン玉実験第2弾です。第1弾は「甘いシャボン玉が割れない?」でした。既に直交表実験は3回目になりました。資料ご覧ください。 資料はこちら →  シャボン玉2 p.1 前回、洗濯糊と ...

Quality engineering(QE) 18

I answer questions about the "orthogonal table" used in quality engineering(QE) experiments. This is ...

Quality engineering(QE) 17

When conducting an orthogonal table experiment, experimental data may not be obtained. (1) In the ca ...

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